Thursday, January 27, 2011

Eight Month (and Seven) Report, Plus Christmas Catch Up!

Last week was Madelyn's eight month birthday! We celebrated Lollyworld-style. Lolly had come to spend the night Wednesday and suggested we just come on back to her house for a few days since Daddy was gone. So...we did! Madelyn, Clara, and I had a blast. Since we were so close to The Woodlands I got to have a girls dinner with Jennifer. Later in the weekend M & I had lunch and a shopping trip with her too! Plus, I got to see her precious twins Cooper & fun!
With all the Christmas chaos, I didn't get a 7 month update in, so here's what I can remember (hence the reason to document - you forget sooo fast!)

7 Months:
- Sits up on her own
- Continues to eat baby food great...hates peas, loves pears!
- LOVES bath time
- Jumps up a storm in her jumperoo
- SLEEPS ALL NIGHT - 7pm-7am
- Looks for us when we leave her line of vision
- Loves for us to hold her in a standing position
- Pulls Sister's hair...poor Clara!
-Graduated from going everywhere in her carseat to riding in grocery buggys and sitting in restaurant high chairs (with her cart/chair cover of course!) this actually took place a week or so before her 7th month her Salsa's happy hour date with Davis P. and the big girls!

8 Months:
- Sits up SO well on her own
- Clicks her tongue
- Still LOVES bath time...she splashes, kicks her legs, and plays with bath toys
- Cruises in her walker...only backwards though!
- Continues to eat well, doesn't like peas, meat, or "garden vegetable"
- Loves to play with her toys...digs through her toy baskets and pulls out different ones
- Perhaps attempting to crawl? Or at least getting to crawl position...she sort of looks like she's swimming in place... :)
- Talks up a storm - we just have no idea what she's saying...although I am convinced sometimes she says "Hi"
- Loves shiny stuff...lunges for people's jewelry and zips/unzips zippers on jackets
- Has become a crib acrobat...I find her in a different position every time I go in to get her

I am so, so behind in posting Christmas! Here's a quick update through pictures...other highlights include "JL Holiday Ball" and "Lufkin Friends Christmas Party" - I don't have any pictures from those events though...

Christmas at Granny's House in Lufkin

Loving visiting with Cousin Katie...

Santa found Madelyn in Lufkin
Her stocking was filled too!

Next stop on our Christmas Express...Sir's knee

On to the "Lakehouse Christmas"

Aunt Phyllis got Madelyn a musical fish!

Our greatest gift? New Cousin Colt!

Baby Colt was born on December 29th, 2010 at 10:31pm. Two days after returning from the last leg of our East Texas Christmas stops, Colt decided to make his grand debut. First thing Thursday morning, we promptly loaded right back into the car, dropped M off at Lollyworld, and followed our trail back to Tyler. We went and came back in one day, but it was so worth it to see him before he was even 24 hours old! If we know anything, it's that new babies change SO fast. Colt is doing great and Shelby & Jake are very proud, happy, and probably sleepy new parents!

We would also like to welcome to the world Baby Conner V. and Baby Erin W. who arrived January 24th and 25th respectively! Congratulations to both sets of parents!! Big hugs to new mommies and my dear friends EV. and EW.!! 2011 is bringing Madelyn lots of new future friends...there are four more (that we know of :) on the way!

1 comment:

  1. That we know of?!? Who do we not know of??? Or me at least...can only think of two.
