Friday, April 23rd started out to be a very normal day. I was busy running errands and getting all my ducks in a row for the Junior League fundraiser I was chairing. That evening as I went down our stairs I missed the last one or two and stumbled to the ground, breaking my right ankle and spraining the left. Mind you I was 31 weeks pregnant. My sweet neighbors heard the commotion and came outside to help me back up to the house, thank goodness since I was home alone! At the time, I didn't realize anything was broken and just thought I needed to rest. It rapidly became apparent that I was not bouncing back so an urgent call to my mother was made requesting her to make the trip to my house for the night.
After some discussion, it was decided that I needed to go to the hospital, just to be on the safe side, before she could make the two hour trip to my house and they would meet me there. Since I was obviously not in a condition to drive, my in-laws was called to the rescue. Sheldon also made the decision to leave the boat and come home to accompany us to the hospital to be sure everything was okay. So, we all headed up to Clear Lake Regional. Sheldon drove me with his parents following.
My Dr. wanted us to have the baby checked out first before the ankle so up to the 4th floor Ante-Partem Unit we went. Unbeknown to us, this would become my home for the next two weeks. After a series of tests, monitoring, and an ultrasound all was deemed well and we sent Sheldon back to the boat and his parents returned home. No sooner had he left than the nurses noticed on the monitors I had started having close contractions. After medicine didn't slow things down, some more tests were done and we were told I tested positive for the risk of preterm labor. Lord have mercy! After some more medicine to slow things down, I was finally sent to another floor to have my ankle looked at. By this time it was hurting so badly, my entire leg felt numb! Mother said later she knew it had to be broken, but at that point I still thought "surely not". So we waited FOREVER...I mean HOURS for the 7:30 am (we arrived at 11pm) we were at last informed that yes, my ankle was indeed broken.
We were then taken back up to the Ante-Partem Unit and began what would be a 12 day process of my doctors trying to stop or at least slow the contractions and keep Miss Madelyn to stay put. Finally, on day 12 it was decided I could return home with medicine to continue until 35 weeks and would visit my Dr. and Specialists on Mondays and Thursdays respectively. Did I mention I now sported a pink cast up to my knee??
Clara trying to make me feel better :)
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